Seminars and Operator Training

Steam Engineering offers seminars and training in the following areas:

  • Water Treatment Maintenance Operator Training
  • Cleaning and Sanitation Operator Training
  • Steam System Engineering Seminars
  • Water Treatment Seminars

Operator Training
We know that successful partnership with our customers depends on your staff's ability to understand your steam system. Our Water Treatment and Cleaning and Sanitation customers receive thorough initial operator training and additional training for new procedures and new staff.

Presenters include long-time industry experts accredited to conduct training for the U.S. Department of Energy Steam System Assessment Tool.

A popular seminar is our Principles of Steam Generation and Use. This has been given to professional groups including:

  • ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • ASHRAE, American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers.
  • The Department of Energy for the State of Oregon.
  • The Department of Energy for the State of Washington.
  • The Dry Kiln Association.

Contact us regarding your training and seminar interests. We'll happily customize a presentation to fit your need.

The Steam Team has helped us to operate our new boiler and steam system with confidence, and with the assurance that we are scale and corrosion free day in and day out.

-Maintenance manager
Beverage plant, Oregon